Pregnancy Update, 20 Weeks! | Anna Grace: Pregnancy Update, 20 Weeks!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Pregnancy Update, 20 Weeks!

It is hard to believe that I am already twenty weeks into this pregnancy.
 It is going by so fast!
Now that my baby bump is more noticeable, 
I am thinking about our sweet little one all the time now.

In the beginning I sometimes didn't feel pregnant,
 but now that my belly proceeds me everywhere I go, 
it makes it all even more real! 

Pregnancy has not been comfortable, but I LOVE it. 
Some of the typical pregnancy side effects I have been experiencing are back and hip pain, round ligament pain, headaches, side aches, and difficulty sleeping.

The second trimester has been harder than the first trimester, but over all, I am so thankful to be carrying this child that I truly don't mind enduring this discomfort for a few months.

Our twenty week ultrasound is on February third, and I am so excited.
This is the ultrasound where we will find out the gender of our baby.
If we could pick, Scott and I would both love to have a son first, 
but we won't be any less thrilled if our baby is a little girl.

I promise to post again and tell you what we find out!

As far as cravings go, I cannot seem to satisfy my hunger for fruit!
That has really been my main craving.
The only other thing I can think of is ice cream.
Every time I go to the grocery store, I can hear the ice cream isle calling my name,
but I am trying to be really disciplined about what I eat.
If I am craving something unhealthy, there is no good reason to give into that temptation.
Just being pregnant doesn't justify it, and it certainly isn't helpful to me or my baby! :)
So I'll just stick to my fruit! Haha!
I have taken to carrying little fruit pouches around in my purse with me because I am hungry
 ALL THE TIME, and they are perfect to satisfy my growling tummy. :)

I don't think I have any more to tell just now,
 but keep an eye out for future posts if you are interested.
 I plan on posting my hopes for cloth diapering, nursing, and co-sleeping. 
And there will be more pregnancy updates as well!

Thank you all for your prayers for this baby, 
we are so blessed!

I hope you have a lovely day!


  1. Congratulations Anna! You look gorgeous! Could we please get a pregnancy-wardrobe post too? :-)
    Hugs from a long-time reader in Germany

    1. Thank you! You are so sweet!
      I will definitely do a maternity wardrobe post, though I have only purchased a handful of things. I am also thinking about doing some maternity outfit posts, so keep your eyes peeled for those as well!
      Thanks again! Blessings, Anna Grace

